Saturday 11 June 2011

Thursday 25 Mar 2010 19:55
I'm pretty stunned to be sitting here a couple of weeks after launching our fundraising, already almost a third of the way to our target.
We've been dumbfounded by people's generosity - in these still-tough times I never for a second expected people to be stumping up such large sums.
Money has been landing with a meaty 'thunk' in our Justgiving account on a regular basis, and even a couple of people I follow on Twitter have seen fit to swell Go Help's coffers... 
People seem to really want to get behind the cause, and whilst I know no one was actually sponsoring me purely because I was running the Reading Half Marathon on Sunday, the knowledge that people had parted with their hard-earned cash after I approached them prior to the race spurred me to the finish despite my right leg feeling like it was going to fall off.
So a million thanks to our sponsors so far - Julie-Anne & John, new parents Im & Si (who should really be hanging on to their nappy money), Silja, Lizzi, Andrew Mueller (buy his books - they're one of my main inspirations for getting out and seeing the world), Gav & Imogen, Helen & Lee, Jennie and of course, me dear old ma....
No going back now we have people's goodwill and quids behind us! Onwards and sideways!

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