Saturday 11 June 2011

And so it begins

It's June the 11th, 2011. 11 long months to the day since we trundled out of Woburn Safari Park at the beginning of our trip of a lifetime to Ulaanbaatar.

It wasn't my intention to take this long to document memories of the trip - I wanted to do it immediately upon returning. But normal life got in the way - plus there were 1800 photos to sift through, edit and upload to Flickr; 150 minutes of video footage to work through and edit; friends to catch up with and a relationship that, having (spoiler alert) survived 5 weeks of trials, tribulations and exhaustion, wouldn't have taken too kindly to my spending more hours in front of a computer.

It's exactly a month to the launch of this year's rally, and the pangs of jealousy are starting to kick in, along with temporarily forgotten memories of how we were feeling at this time last year. May and June 2010 were a blur of lists, stresses about finance, shopping for equipment, hanging around obscure embassies in west London and thinking constantly about everything that needed to be done prior to departure. Of course, things got forgotten about, other things were prioritised but never utilised, but we got there. And back. Just in case you were wondering how all this ended.

It seems appropriate now to begin posting about our adventures, to help ease the frustration that we're not on the journey this year, and to ensure that I get everything written down before I forget any more. For completeness, I'm going to post up every post from the Charity Rallies website as well - providing 'director's commentary' behind the posts as far as I can remember.

So... shall we begin?

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