Saturday 11 June 2011

Saturday 06 Feb 2010 12:13

Right. After much deliberation, confusion, soul-searching and general faffing, we've finally done it. We've decided on a team name.
This is our fourth and final name choice. Our original two were based on unrealistic ideas of what vehicle we might take, and our third - borrowing heavily from a classic Madness tune - was ditched following a Google search which revealed another team making the long journey East this summer had already claimed it.
So allow me to introduce Team Steppe By Steppe. Currently we have no vehicle, no sponsorship, no route and no idea where to start. We do, however, have a bloody-minded determination to roll out of Highbury Fields on July 10 and into Ulaan Baatar at some point in early August via some of the most amazing scenery and experiences that the world has left to offer. Bring it on!

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